Monday, December 10, 2007

When was the last time i blogged?
Seems like decades ago... Been wondering why i did that?
Cos i think i need alot of time and effort to explain why. In simple words, i need to rearrange my thoughts before delivering them. Yes, i need a hell lots of time for that.
Looking back those mmts when i used to blog frequently, i felt tt i've grown up alot in terms of age, mentality as well as spirtually. Haha! Not being religious here, it has absolutely nothing to do with religion. Taking up a part time course, learning how to wk (esp with ppl with atttitude), dealing with my family matters as well as other kinds of relationships took me through a very enriching journey. Beginning to appreciate more things in life, knowing what is the essence of being alive and looking forward to the future. Ahem! I didn't suffer from depression. Don't get me wrong. I know it sounds like it. Ppl are telling me that i'm too serious a person, and yet i can be abit kee siao at times. Didn't know why back then, but if you ask me now i can tell you it depends on the kind of issue i'm dealing with. Loving myself more allows me to compromise only some things while letting go many others. But to those tt i don't wish to compromise no longer has any rooms for negotiation. This prob leads to being serious. Actually i used to be very extreme in thinking, unhappy abt how things were, how ppl behave and think. You often see my entries complaining abt this and that blah blah blah... It's all a reflection of how much i care abt other ppl think of me. Though i can say tt it still stays with me now, however not as strong... I once brought this up to a friend. The comment he gave was "Relax lah! Don't be so serious!" I gave a soft sigh and a slight smile. I used to think it tt way, nonetheless i'm still bothered by it. Don't be serious and relax lah, is just a passing comment. A comment to run away from issues that truly bother you. Yes i have many problems, too many tt i had to take slightly more than a yr to solve and come to terms with. Don't think tt i'm a repressed person being pesstimisstic here, cos I'm still moving on! You can say tt I'm connected to my own world, my own feelings as well as knowing what's the world is going on. Hahaha! Chim bo? I don't escape, i don't jump and i'm not anorexic... The proves it all!
One particular issue i've been trying to deal with was Having Life.
How do you feel when ppl say tt you have no life?
Meaning: Not going out shopping, catching a movie, dating, holiday, lunching with friends and being online and watch TV series.
I still do all those... I still felt no life. Haha! Cos i took things at face value. Sometimes i went out with friends tt I had to force myself to connect to, doing things tt i'd complain days/wks/yrs aft and end up being tired. So much for? So tt when ppl ask what i'm doing this wkend i can PROVE that i have life and not getting a reply of saying tt i have no life. Silly me...
Haha! Don't know if this happens to you though...

To solve this prob: Me time.
Have your ever had a meal? While you are not bothered by anything, not doing it bcos you're thirsty and dehydrated, not in a rush to finish it, not bothered if it's worth the money and if it's up to your expection and you are still happy?
Hee! This blog still sounds abit hard to digest as compare to last time...
Aiya, wanna know what i'm doing lately can ask me anytime. Want me to share my views on life is exclusively here or just make an appointment first then depends on my mood bah... Bleh!!!

gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Monday, December 10, 2007
第77回 日本ダービー 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?人気が平然と馬券に絡む理由とは!?見事に展開を読んで結果を的中させる
第60回 安田記念 2010 予想 オッズ 出走馬 枠順で万馬券をズバリ的中!絶対なるデータが確実に当てるための秘訣
素敵な出 会 いで愛を育む♪理想の人と楽しめる関係を築きませんか?mコミュでしか味わえない幸せを掴みましょう
スタービーチで始まる素敵な出 合いをしていきませんか。楽しめる出 合いを経験するにはココから始まる!!最高の出 合いがあなたを待っている
今やモバゲーは押しも押されもせぬ人気SNS!当然出 会いを求めてる人も多い!そこで男女が出 逢えるコミュニティーが誕生!ここなら友達、恋人が簡単にできちゃいますよ
最近はどこのSNSサイトも規制ばっかりで、ちょっと出 合いに関して書き込みするとアク禁食らうけど、夏休み終盤に差し掛かり色々なサイトを調べた結果、グリーだけはどうも規制が緩んでるみたいです。今がチャンスの時期ですよ
ツイッターで出 合 いを求めるのです。気の合う異性と交流して楽しいひと時をお過ごしください。登録無料で使えるので気軽さは100点満点!
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Monday, July 24, 2006

Confession: I copied and pasted the lyrics of Someday by Nickelback cos I couldn't find anything to talk abt... At the same time, just wanna put it there so tt i can conveniently look at it as and when i feel like it.
Well ah, i'm back to using English again, need to change my style from time to time (Bullshit..)
I've been keeping myself really busy for the past 2 months, working OT, attending my club's concert, settling money matters AND watching the World cup of course which is the highlight of June. Haha! Not really pleased with the finals but it's all over. Yup, I shall look forward to the Euro in 2008 yuppie!
As for now! I'm suffering from muscle aches all over my shoulders... Prob due to wrong posture! Anyone offering insurance that covers for ergonomic injuries?? Huh? 80 yr old muscles trying to work out in a 21 yr old body. Hell man no!
What's on my mind recently? Vacation.
It's ever on my mind since the day i laid my hands once again on my precious collections of travel brochures. Asia, Africa, Europe and even some ulu ulu countries. (Anyway it's free.) I was given 2 mags on Spain, ya solely Spain my fave country of all times. I allowed myself to be mesmerized every morning as i scanned through the photos while savouring every bites of my breakfast.
I'm stuck here right now... Cos i can't remember what else i wanted to talk abt... Typically me.
I'll think abt it and come back. Er, in another few wks time.

gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Monday, July 24, 2006
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Saturday, July 22, 2006

How the hell'd we wind up like this And why weren't we able To see the signs that we missed And try to turn the tables I wish you'd unclench your fists And unpack your suitcase Lately there's been too much of this But don't think it's too late Nothing's wrong Just as long as you know that someday I will.
Someday, somehow I'm gonna make it alright But not right now I know you're wondering when You're the only one who knows that Someday somehow I'm gonna make it alright But not right now I know you're wondering when.
Well I'd hope that since we're here anyway That we could end up saying Things we've always needed to say So we could end up staying Now the story's played out like this Just like a paperback novel Let's rewrite an ending that fits Instead of a Hollywood horror.
Nothing's wrong Just as long as you know that someday I will Someday, somehow I'm gonna make it alright But not right now I know you're wondering when You're the only one who knows that Someday somehow I'm gonna make it alright But not right now I know you're wondering when You're the only one who knows that I know you're wondering when You're the only one who knows that I know you're wondering when.

gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Saturday, July 22, 2006
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Friday, June 16, 2006

又來了,又用華文了。。。 。。。
聽者英文歌寫華文是我給我自己一個莫大的挑戰。。。 相信我的頭腦還蠻“正常” 的。
近來的幾個禮拜我都忙着加班,幾乎每晚都遲睡。 在加上2006年世界杯的熱潮才剛起伏,有時還堅持掙開眼睛去支持我所喜歡的球隊。西班牙!我挺你們到底!
1) 爲何要用中文呢?-----〉最近用的英文太多,想平衡以下自己。
2) 爲何要比別人花多幾年呢?-----〉因爲,這是原則的問題。如果我真的想要,我會要我認
3) 爲何要一個月編一次稿呢?-----〉要寫就要有内容的。那些有的沒的就別霸位了。。。。
為目的而所求 為成就而貢獻 至少回頭看的時候累積的是經驗.



gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Friday, June 16, 2006
best regards, nice info
» »
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »
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Monday, May 01, 2006

时间就让它慢慢得过,我也悠闲的感受着没事做的时光。但是好景不长在,我爸爸竟然叫我到楼下去买点东西。。。 其实我并没有介意,只是懒洋洋的离开家,漫步走着。
回到了家楼下,仿佛回到了现在。我不时反省一下现在自己的生活态度,真是不如往年。一点都不积极,一点都没方向,就如海水泛滥一样四处流。。。 而且还是衡冲直撞的那一种。 以前的我选择快乐,现在,我也选择快乐。但并没有,以前快乐。失败的原应是,我忘了我的过去。时常埋怨谁对我不好,生活太苦闷和不知足的观念让我就算是洴了命做许多快乐的事也不够我去感受。其实,我现在的生活也不是太差劲,不必去计较舍么的。我不希望将来会想过去的时候只有小学时候才快乐,因为我的每一份每一秒就只有一次。没有美好的回忆,就别想有更好的未来。所谓,皮之不存,毛将覆焉。

gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Monday, May 01, 2006
Wonderful and informative web site.I used information from that site its great.
» »
This is very interesting site...
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Ohmigawd! I took so long to find my spects and now it's already 1.40am... Why do i always have to search all over my hse for my spects... Nvr grow up... Just came back frm a pri sch gathering. Went for dinner at Siam Kitchen and spoilt my healthy lifestyle plan! "_" I considered myself a failure to organise it cos I suggested NYDC w/o realising tt it's not halal... ... So my poor muslim friend turned up asked if it's halal there, I just flashed my silly smile at him. Well, the "best part" was, we've already ordered ourselves a elephancino... ... What a big cup of coffee! We had no choice to gulp all down within minutes, luckily we didn't order our food yet phew! Honestly, i felt sick aft gulping down the coffee, too filling... The buffet dinner at Siam Kitchen had definitely paid off for the embarrassing mmt ! It was indeed a better choice, we ate alot alright! I'm glad tt i still have friends who can eat. Most of my friends can't and i always had no choice but to restrict myself haha! It's the image issue "' "" Lots of catching up ya... Lots of laughsters and laming. Never knew tt i can laugh so much aft all these yrs. There's just certain things in us tt will nvr change over the yrs. One thing i managed to observe through this meet up was, we seemed to feel like 11 or 12yrs old again. We spoke of all the silly jokes, rumours and things we did, cleared up some silly misunderstandings and confessions etc etc etc. Nothing to hide, yes nothing to cover up. Go ahead and be childish cos tt's what we know abt each other and used to be. Unlike now, when friends only get to see the mature side of u & yr childish cum innocent acts will seem irritating and unbearable to them. How i wish i can go back in time & have fun again... I actually didn't want to bring this up, but i really hope he can be with us. It would have been more fun as he's one of the joker in the class. Without him, the class photo will nvr look as complete and the past will be less memorable. Inevitably we often thought if not for him, things would be so different... This puts us in a very dilematic postition, shld he be alive now, we might not have gathered... But I rather have him in this world then to gather. Nothing can be compared to losing a friend this way... Still, why can't I have both? Why? Must things be this way?

gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Monday, May 01, 2006
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wosh! I'm back from the 5.6km JP Morgan race! How scary it is to run 5.6km when i can't even run 2.4km... But somehow i've made it! Nah, not non-stop but i'm sure i ran like 3 quarter of it though.
To be honest, there was a mmt of feeling "high" when i ran just now, it's really amazing cos at tt particular mmt, my mind juz blanked out & I juz ran effortlessly! No worries, no nothing! Cool right? I've come to realised tt mental strength comes before physical and sure enuff i had enjoyed myself, (JC, Thank you for psychoing me to join, u noe who u r...)
Aft the run, I had dinner at Lau Pa Sat... chit chatting and abit of bitching, it's hard not to, since it's part of my life now hoho! Well, at the same time i'm feeling sian abt my new running shoes! Cos it's covered w the stinko mud & I really hate it!
Hmmm, as for now I'm still pretty awake & alert although i shld be slping plus i got to wk tml! Seriously, i'm still hyper nw, not sure if it's due to the teh tarik i had during dinner or the 30mins bath i just had. Haha! Waste water right? Can't help it! I stinked like a pig man! Somemore, i diligently scrubbed my new shoes w all my might to get rid of those mud leh! Argh! Still have to wk so hard at this time of the day... ...
Ah well, i'll try to get some slp and reserve some energy for the coming LONG wkend.

gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Wednesday, April 26, 2006
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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Hey! I'm here today with a very obvious purpose.
To b*tch, ya...
I'm in the kinda b*tchy mood, as usual bcos of the irritating b*tch.
Unlike last time, whenever i thought of or saw her i felt the fear coming from within. Now, i can't seem to wait for a chance to bloody slap her bloody face. Wahaha! Evil smile... I really buay tahan her sickening attitude and the slap-me-black face of hers. My fingers are as itchy as those times when ppl itch to play mahjong, you get what i mean?
Yes, that a**h*le probably think that i'm a sucker for everything, obviously she hasn't seen me flare up before. Don't make me do that, i really "begged" her for that... Come on lah, i'm suppose to uphold a very kind, understanding, "cute", obliging and courteous image alright. I don't wanna lose that image cos of her. But on second thoughts, prob all ppl ard me didn't wanna lose their image too that's why no one dares to go against her. Tsk tsk tsk... Actually look at this prob objectively and logically, to keep your cool only when the person is worth the effort. Not for those d*mn bloody f***ing a**h*le who is not worth that slightlest effort at all. She really needs a thrashing. If i can ever do what i want, i'll slap her left right center, punch her bloody nose, pull her hair, pluck off all her teeth, dig out both her eyes, give her a d*mn big ear hole, some pernament scratches on her face, peel off all her nails, make her kneel on durians, eat loads of wasabi til she dehydrates herself crying and throw her into the sewage and flush her down the pipes and make sure she's out of my sight forever.
Let me say this the last time.

gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Sunday, April 23, 2006
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Birthdate: 08/03/85 ; Pisces
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