今天的我不必上班,自由自在的呆在家里发愣。实在是闷得透顶了。时间就让它慢慢得过,我也悠闲的感受着没事做的时光。但是好景不长在,我爸爸竟然叫我到楼下去买点东西。。。 其实我并没有介意,只是懒洋洋的离开家,漫步走着。买好了东西后,我突然会想起当今小时候时常经过的路,也就是放学后必经之路。我在毫不知情之下,跟随着我的心情走向那一条路。就好像时光倒流一样,我凭着以往走过的路途回家去。短短的几个步伐就足以让我恢复许许多多遗失的美好回忆。真没想到,过了这么多年我还能记得不少小插曲,而且每个都让我丝丝入扣,感慨万分。每当凉风轻吹过我的脸颊时,我似乎能听到当时天真无邪的笑声但至今往事也只能回味了。回到了家楼下,仿佛回到了现在。我不时反省一下现在自己的生活态度,真是不如往年。一点都不积极,一点都没方向,就如海水泛滥一样四处流。。。 而且还是衡冲直撞的那一种。 以前的我选择快乐,现在,我也选择快乐。但并没有,以前快乐。失败的原应是,我忘了我的过去。时常埋怨谁对我不好,生活太苦闷和不知足的观念让我就算是洴了命做许多快乐的事也不够我去感受。其实,我现在的生活也不是太差劲,不必去计较舍么的。我不希望将来会想过去的时候只有小学时候才快乐,因为我的每一份每一秒就只有一次。没有美好的回忆,就别想有更好的未来。所谓,皮之不存,毛将覆焉。
gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Monday, May 01, 2006
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Ohmigawd! I took so long to find my spects and now it's already 1.40am... Why do i always have to search all over my hse for my spects... Nvr grow up... Just came back frm a pri sch gathering. Went for dinner at Siam Kitchen and spoilt my healthy lifestyle plan! "_" I considered myself a failure to organise it cos I suggested NYDC w/o realising tt it's not halal... ... So my poor muslim friend turned up asked if it's halal there, I just flashed my silly smile at him. Well, the "best part" was, we've already ordered ourselves a elephancino... ... What a big cup of coffee! We had no choice to gulp all down within minutes, luckily we didn't order our food yet phew! Honestly, i felt sick aft gulping down the coffee, too filling... The buffet dinner at Siam Kitchen had definitely paid off for the embarrassing mmt ! It was indeed a better choice, we ate alot alright! I'm glad tt i still have friends who can eat. Most of my friends can't and i always had no choice but to restrict myself haha! It's the image issue "' "" Lots of catching up ya... Lots of laughsters and laming. Never knew tt i can laugh so much aft all these yrs. There's just certain things in us tt will nvr change over the yrs. One thing i managed to observe through this meet up was, we seemed to feel like 11 or 12yrs old again. We spoke of all the silly jokes, rumours and things we did, cleared up some silly misunderstandings and confessions etc etc etc. Nothing to hide, yes nothing to cover up. Go ahead and be childish cos tt's what we know abt each other and used to be. Unlike now, when friends only get to see the mature side of u & yr childish cum innocent acts will seem irritating and unbearable to them. How i wish i can go back in time & have fun again... I actually didn't want to bring this up, but i really hope he can be with us. It would have been more fun as he's one of the joker in the class. Without him, the class photo will nvr look as complete and the past will be less memorable. Inevitably we often thought if not for him, things would be so different... This puts us in a very dilematic postition, shld he be alive now, we might not have gathered... But I rather have him in this world then to gather. Nothing can be compared to losing a friend this way... Still, why can't I have both? Why? Must things be this way?
gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Monday, May 01, 2006
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