Nothing to complain today... just don't wanna voice out.Sometimes, i feel that i shld just shut up. Sometimes i just can't hold it..."There were happy mmts Diana, there were. Think of it more and the sucky ones will be left behind.""Yeah... But it's hard u know? Why ppl r juz liddat? If you don't like it, just get the F**k out!""... ... don't get so worked up gal""What the hell are you talking abt? I hate those ppl who do all these, if you wanna act, act all the way, don't ever stop.""Ppl, like you sometimes do get tired you know...?""I don't care man! If you like it, stay on. If you don't, and decided to keep it to yourself, don't bloody show it. Best of all, get the hell out of here @#$%!""You promised yourself not to be bothered by things like these remember?""Yes i do, but i'm just concerned, i want everybody to be happy. There's no happiness when everyone had to force themselves.""They tired you know?!""Respect me. Be frank abt it. I've decided. I'm wishing my hands of you all. That's the only way to satisfy all. I really hate to see some of you sulking, looking all so **r** in there. What the?! trying to show me that you're **r** rite? The more i hack care, go ahead!!! IF YOU NEVER VOICE ANYTHING OUT IN THE FIRST PLACE, DON'T EVER GIVE THE DAMNED LOOK!!!"Cool down gal.. listen to me!""Nothing, i'm sorry to think it tt way. But i guess it's all over. You are better of with someone else.Bye."Happy 2006 everyone! Hope everyone enjoyed yourselves in the countdown ytd no matter where you were! I did myself, hope there'll be another time like this although i know somethings are not what i think it is. Don't worry, there wouldn't be another time like this.
gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Sunday, January 01, 2006