Tuesday, October 25, 2005

近来,某件事令我不胜其烦。 他的漠不关心让我心灰意冷。
是我想太多了吗? 还是我太执著了呢?
或许对有些人,不去想,不闻不问,不理不睬是一种习惯,或是一种已经“长大 ”/“成熟 ”的表态。
一时冲动和一直置之不理也许其实没多大的分别吧。为什么,还有人肯认定,“别想那么多 ”是一种酷?
我不敢说他影响了我,也不能说他的所作所为是我已经习惯的。 只是有时候我不想让人觉得我其实很爱做决定,事事都得依我,自我为中心。我实际上很懒的。
还好现实是没对于错, 只有因果。
我想做的事, 我不愿拖。乘我还有一口气,我要去争取,去实现。

gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Tuesday, October 25, 2005
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Sunday, October 16, 2005

相隔了十多年,没想到他们的现场表现依然赢得了许多忠实歌迷们的热烈欢呼与掌声。 饱满的室内体育馆已足够表示Beyond在新加坡的成就和实力。他们以那么多年的努力所换来的成绩就在他们昨晚Beyond The Story 2005演唱会呈现在他们三人的面前。身为一个歌手,还能有什么要求?
Beyond在娱乐圈的生涯一向不平坦, 经历不少波折和坎坷。从1983年一直到现在,走的也走了,离开的也离开了。顶顶撞撞了好几年, 终于有了点起头时竟然天妒英才在1993年让他们丧失了组合里的灵魂人物黄家驹。把一个原有的四人组一旬间变成了现有的三 人组。我相信这十二年来,不会有人忘了他。
相信其余的三个人在近来的几年也不好过,痛失哥哥/好友的他们也尽心尽力把Beyond搞好,实现已故的家驹的遗愿。 “人一生不在乎得到了什么,最重要是做了什么”。
我认为“你做到了。 你,也得到了“。
可惜的是,他们终于还是打算解散,结束了带给他们光辉岁月的乐队. 最终,决定开最后一场巡回演唱会来回馈多年来支持他们的歌迷们,也为Beyond 在乐坛的生涯画上完美的句号。然后在以个人的才华展现在大家面前。虽然我很舍不得,但我也会在此深深的祝福他们在将来的事业里也能成功。
我会永远记得你们,也会记得永不放弃的精神, 记得开心, 记得世界和平; Amani.
“看过去现已无法改变的, 一双手, 怎去做修补。 无对于错,但有因与果”。

gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Sunday, October 16, 2005
Hi, your blog is great . I was just out blog surfing for detailed info on bonsai care when I ended up on your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I did. If you wouldn't mind, I would like to post your link on my "favorites" page. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about bonsai care.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Tiredness aside, happiness comes first.
I'm so tired and i'm getting slpy. I've chosen to tire myself last nite anyway.
I went back to school ytd, just to hang out, chit chat and waste my time away in a more fun & relaxing way. I'm glad tt i managed to ask my chit chat kaki out to meet in the clubhse ytd to gossip a litte...
Hmmm, nothing much has changed back in NP except the bus stop has additional seats haha! And i'm no longer a student there. An alumni. That's what they call me now. It's nice to be called an alumni haha! Seeing all the freshies practising their violins and guitars made my fingers itch man! But i didn't feedle w anything last nite. I just sat down w em' and watch em' as time pass by. I'm thinking of joining them again sometime, cos it's really a pleasure to be playing w a grp of friends. Such chances are rare. I can't help recalling those times when we practised and rushed for rehearsals aft classes and went out for super late dinner. (Dinner cum Supper)
Our time was very packed, but was all worth it! :) Gd memories are the proof of it.
Aft i worked for 6 mths, i realised tt it's impt to know what makes you happy and what can be done to make you happy. In sch, as long as u r unhappy abt certain things, u can always get over it. Even if you're tired, u can always stone in lesson or eat snake a litte. However, now, i can only drown myself in caffeine... ...

gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Wednesday, October 12, 2005
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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Yoz!! I'm back!! I think my blog has become a mthly blog already...
I celebrated 2 friend's birthday ytd. I was fully booked in the sense tt i totally rushed frm a place to another!
I finished my wk at 12.30pm, rushed down to meet my sec sch friends at Paragon at 1.30pm to celebrate one of my friend's birthday at Spageddies. As i was waiting for the bus, another friend of mine whom i've not met for 4 yrs contacted me and we decided to meet up even if we can't meet for long. So i left at 4pm to meet him and chatted for a while before rushing to meet another grp of friends at 6.30pm for dinner. Whoa!!! although i was tired, i was very happy and pleased to meet up with so many friends within er... 12 hrs...
The meet up with a friend whom i've not seen for 4 yrs impressed me the most.
4 yrs is a long time, though we've lost contact for so long, we were still able to talk & laugh as b4. There were alot of catching to do, reminising the past and talking abt the future and many many other things to gossip abt. Just too bad tt i need to rush off. I was lucky tt i wasn't caught in a situation when both parties just kept quiet cos there really nothing to talk (excuse being, too long nvr meet up so very pai seh dunno what to say)... Very sian one rite? I'd rather not meet up in the 1st place...
Yes, i've always believe tt having a friend is just like another investment, you need to be willing to put in some time, effort and even $$ (cos must go out mah) to make friendship go on like it used to be. Esp when life move on and both of u r going diff paths, u guys need to pump in even more time n effort. Or else, like most cases, friends lost contact.
It's easier to make new friends than to keep old ones. But it's the old ones who understands you more. It's those old ones whom you can share more. And it's the old ones who get help you move on in yr life. You can't just keep introducing yrself again and again rite?
To make my day even more exciting, i met another friend whom i've not seen for... 1 yr. But this time i didn't get to talk to him. What a waste!
天啊!! Why liddat? Haha!
At the very mmt, i had this inspiration that, since i complaint tt my life is boring these days, i sort of got a hint that i can solve that problem by meeting up ALL my long lost friends and catch up w them... Just that, who shld i meet up next?
Next week is the week i've been waiting for yrs! 15-10-05! I'm coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Sunday, October 09, 2005
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Location: Singapore.
Birthdate: 08/03/85 ; Pisces
Sch: Woodlands Pri, Bukit View Pri & Sec, Ngee Ann Poly

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