Sunday, August 08, 2004

Feeling much lighter today, cos i've finished my project!!!! And i've just broke another record this morning by slping at 5.00am. Really have to thank my friends whom i had conference call with last night. Our crappy converstions helped alot in staying awake throughout the entire night and morning. Hmmm, not to scare you, we actually chat for almost 6 hours!!!!
Tomorrow i need to go back to sch for the NDP thingy again. Just like many of my friends, i'm not as ethusiastic as last yr & i really don't feel like going tml. It's more of a waste of time then an experience to gain.
Tried very hard to study for my test this afternoon, but now??? i'm online again. Hahaha!! And i intend to watch TV later on. CSI!! Been missing many episodes already... I must get my entertainment back!
Added a counter to my blog, the next thing i'm going to add is a photoblog.
But i'll take a longer time. Haiz... when will my blog look more interesting? Didn't tell many ppl abt this blog cos it's not well-established yet. No confidence to show too many ppl unless i "think" they don't mind reading my boring entires without much add-ons.
Managed to find my old entries from Diaryland... realised that my entries there sounds very different!! I'm more optimisstic here. Maybe in time to come the entries here will become more serious... ... Or maybe very soon...

gecko85 obsessed with Jay Chou (>,<) Sunday, August 08, 2004
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Location: Singapore.
Birthdate: 08/03/85 ; Pisces
Sch: Woodlands Pri, Bukit View Pri & Sec, Ngee Ann Poly

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